Scene One:
(Stage Directions – The four characters walk along the road)
Santiago: "Myles there’s going to be bare peng things fam! You going to chirpse?"
Myles: "I don’t need to chirpse fam, the girls come to me."
Rhia: "Anyway guys, where is this party?" (Stage directions - looks at Helena and *rolls eyes*)
Helena: "Well, this is the address." (Stage directions – laughing at Rhia's reaction whilst looking down at her phone)
Scene Two:
(Stage Directions – Fake scream from Myles)
Helena: (Stage directions – screams and drops her phone)
Rhia: (Stage directions – Turns around and gasps)
Santiago: "Shut up Rhia you should know him by now he’s messing around!"
Scene Three:
(Stage Directions - Myles sad after Santiago shouts at him. So, he walks slowly behind the others. A balloon comes from behind and hits him on the head) - Camera tracks the balloon to build tension
Myles: "Guys where did this come from? Guys?!" (Stage Directions – Others ignore him and carry on walking.
Santiago: "Your jokes aren’t funny Myles!!!" (Looking straight ahead)
(Stage directions - He now pops the balloon in anger.)
Scene Four:
(Stage directions- He sees another balloon stuck in the tree. He pulls it down and pops it. A clown appears from behind and kills him. Myles screams)
Santiago: "Yo, did u hear that?"
Helena: "Hear what?"
Rhia: "Wait a minute where’s Myles?"
(Stage directions – The friends run back to find Myles)
Scene Five:
Myles' body is there with blood over it. Also, there is the balloon popped next to him and a jack in the box.
Santiago: "MYLES! NOOOOO! I SHOULD HAVE BELIEVED HIM!" (Stage directions – distraught covers face with hands)
Rhia: (Stage directions – Is mesmerized by the Jack in the box and stares at it)
Helena: "OH NOOO!" (Stage directions - Looks down at her phone and texts people)
Rhia: (Stage Directions – Rhia picks up the jack in the box and winds it up. She notices there is a mirror and looks into it)
Rhia: "AAHH!" (Stage Directions – she sees a clown reflection and looks back. However, nothing is there so she looks back. The clown appears and kills her.)
Santiago: "Omg! We need to help Rhia."
Helena: "It's too late, we need to run for our lives!!!"
Scene Six:
Santiago: “Helena lets go separate ways and try to find some help, make sure you ring me if anything happens.”
Helena: “Okay I will. See you later!”
Scene Seven:
(Stage directions – clown standing over Helena’s dead body with her phone in his hand.)
Santiago: *rings Helena* “Hello! Where are you man?”
Clown: (speaking to Santiago from Helena’s phone) “Ha Ha Ha… Santiago you’re next. Watch out!”
Santiago: (Stage directions – Santiago drops his phone out of shock)
Scene Eight:
Santiago: (Stage directions – as he is running, he comes across a house that looks abandoned and surprisingly the door was left open. He goes inside thinking that he will be safe and away from the clown)
Santiago: "Where is everyone?" (Stage directions - he looks around, wondering why the house is empty...)
Santiago: (Stage directions – as he walks into the living room, he hears a strange laugh…he looks around the door and sees the clown sitting behind the piano with a massive grin on his face.)
Clown: WELCOME TO THE PARTY*laughing*