Sunday, 13 November 2016

Film: Evaluation

What have you learned? 
I have learnt the different purposes of horror films. Horror movies are mainly created to give a since of intimidation for the audience and also create fear and to get them scared. I've learnt about horror conventions, the sub genres, different types of openings and posters. I've learnt how camera shots, angles and movements play a big part in horror movies. If a camera gradually moves towards a certain place then as an audience we would expect there to be something in the direction the camera is panning to. Close ups and zoom ins are effective for horror movies to show an object of significance or even show blood and injuries or paranormal activities. Low angles could be used to show hierarchy. Editing is also significant as dissolving in and out, straight cut, jump cut, and wipe left/right. Editing helps in situations such as, if the horror movie wants to quickly and efficiently move from one scene to another, a jump cut would be used. Dissolving out could be used if someone has just died and they want to move to the next scene. Jump cuts are the most successful when it comes to a jump scare horror movie to show the tension in a scene. For instance, in the horror movie psycho shower scene there's jump cuts between the knife and the character in the shower. This could cause tension for the audience as the character who could possibly be effected by the weapon isn't aware of it. Diegetic sound are sounds such as: screaming, crying, footsteps, creaky doors, and weapons. Non-diegetic sounds are: dramatic music. Props help make a successful horror movie such as: knifes.
How will it help you?
The research and information that I learned through out the start of this course is going to help with the making of my groups short horror film. The props, camera shots, angles and movement, editing and sound will helps with making the movie scary and successful. The way props are going to be used is Jogesh's clown costume and clown mask. Camera shot sizes could be used when showing someones dead on the floor with the clown standing above them. Editing will be used when there's an object of significance - jump cut will show the object then the person who found the object and their reaction.
How have you learned it?
I learned this information while researching and horror conventions. 

1 comment:

  1. Helena, you do consider what you have learnt from the research process and in particular what you learned about the conventions of horror films.
    Consider what you have learnt from the audience research you carried out and what you have learnt about IT and particular softwares and programmes you have used during the planning stages.
    How have you found working in a group?
