Friday, 10 March 2017

Poster: Researching Existing Products (Non-Genre Specific)


  1. WWW - You do begin to consider some of the key features evident on the posters. There is some awareness of colour and how image conveys meaning.
    EBI - You need to consider genre in much more detail - this is the key thing here. You need to establish what genre each of the films are and you need to consider how the genre is conveyed through the features used.
    Much more needed too on the images and the background.
    With reference to the Mean Girls poster - you state that the font is very bold and bright, but you need to examine why Mean is in a much thicker bolder font; you could also consider why this is also the same as Lindsay Lohan's surname - is there a link being suggested here?
    Consider how the title of the film is almost presented as a barrier between the her and the other girls but why? This could also link to the strap line 'watch your back' - what does this suggest? Consider how she has her back to them. Look at the links across the poster.
    You make comments on the girls but not much on the main character - consider how we know she is the main character - examine her clothes, and her positioning and her facial expressions - what is being suggested about the plot of the film?
    With reference to the Notebook poster - again you need to consider the genre of the film and how that is being conveyed.
    Not as much detail here for this one - what about the font? What about the strap line? What about the background and miss en scene? How does it all link together?

  2. Where is your overall comment on what you have found? You need to consider key patterns and key conventions - similarities and differences?
